Move before sitting- balancing, jumping, or midline crossing activities
Stand or kneel at desk/table instead of sitting
Sit on exercise ball, use foot swing, or tie exercise band to bottom front legs of chair for child to bounce his/her feet on while working at desk/table
Turn off unnecessary screens during school time AND limit throughout the day- no more than 2 hours/day
Teach to their learning style- visual, auditory, kinesthetic
Take breaks to move around or "be distracted" during long assignments
Create checklist for child to check off assignments once they are completed
Give specific time frames. Use timer if it motivates them- not all kids are motivated by this; some kids are agitated by timers
Create workspace away from others
Have everything within reach- pencils, crayons, scissors, etc.
Break down assignments into manageable chunks
Complete tougher assignments earlier in the day
Do one thing at a time- Multi-tasking is a myth!
Create a routine
Consider limiting activities that keep you away from home
Have 20 min. of uninterrupted reading or drawing time
Play with toys and imagination, not screens
Play thinking games- Memory, puzzles, card games, crosswords, word searches, mazes, hidden pictures, etc.
Cook with your child- Have them follow the recipe
Just sit. Have them pretend to be a statue- no moving; time them
Power nap
Reward them for a job well done- kind words, read-alouds, games, art projects, stickers, etc.
Healthy diet! Junk food is exactly that- Junk. Limit natural sugar; Avoid processed sugars; No caffeine; Good protein and fats; Veggies and fruits
Belly breathe- Have them place their hand on their belly; Breathe in through the nose making their hand rise on their belly for 4 seconds; Hold for 4 seconds; Breathe out through the mouth making the exhale longer slightly longer than 4 seconds; Do this 5-10 times.